Below is a list of local and national partners who share in BEST’s mission of supporting young children with blindness or a visual impairment, and their families.

Academy of Music for the Blind

American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults

American Council of the Blind

American Printing House for the Blind

Braille Institute

Braille Tales


Described and Captioned Media Program

Facebook Group: Families of Children Who are Blind or Low Vision in Tennessee

Facebook Group: Parents of Blind & Visually Impaired Children

Family Connect

FMDG Music School

Hadley Institute

Little Bear Sees


Mid-Tennessee Council of the Blind

Mother To Mother

National Braille Press

National Federation for the Blind

National Organization of Parents with Blind Children

Paths to Literacy


Seedlings Braille Books

Smart Baby Decor

Strategy to See

TN Library for Accessible Books and Media

TN Council of the Blind

TN Deaf-Blind Project

TN Disability Pathfinder

TN School for the Blind


Below is a list of organizations by state that serve blind and visually-impaired young children and their families birth-to-three. Please contact us to add an organization to the list.


Anchor Center

A Shared Vision


Center for the Visually Impaired

Florida Center for the Blind

Lighthouse Central Florida

Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches

Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired & Blind

Lighthouse of Broward County

Lighthouse of Collier

Lighthouse of Manasota

Lighthouse of Pinellas

Lighthouse of Southwest Florida

Lighthouse of the Big Bend

New Vision Independence

Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind

Miami Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired & Blind


Visually-Impaired Preschool Services


Visually-Impaired Preschool Services


Catholic Charities


Perkins School for the Blind


Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind


Washington State School for the Blind